Each box of the "Thank You Note Theme Bouquet" contains twelve beautifully crafted bouquets, each featuring ten stems and measuring 50cm in length. These bouquets are thoughtfully designed to convey a heartfelt message of appreciation and gratitude.
Bouquet Composition: The bouquet includes vibrant purple alstroemeria, painted lime green pom cushions, pristine white pom cushions, cheerful yellow carnations, and lush ruscus greenery. Together, these blooms create a harmonious and visually appealing arrangement that perfectly expresses the sentiment of "Thank You."
Unique Presentation: Each bouquet is wrapped in a sleeve adorned with images of post-it notes, each bearing unique messages of praise and gratitude. This creative design element adds a personal touch, making the bouquet feel like a collection of heartfelt notes left to surprise and delight the recipient.
Thank You Note Pick: To complete the ensemble, each bouquet is topped with a charming "Thank You Note Pick." This pick resembles a sticky note and features the message, "Thank you for all that you do," accompanied by a cheerful smiley face. This thoughtful addition ties the entire bouquet together, making it a truly special gift.
Perfect Timing: With Administrative Professional's Day approaching, the "Thank You Note Theme Bouquet" is an ideal offering for anyone looking to show appreciation for administrative staff. This bouquet provides a meaningful and beautiful way to say "Thank You."
Year-Round Appeal: The theme of gratitude makes this bouquet a versatile choice for any occasion. Whether it's for a teacher, a healthcare worker, a friend, or a family member, this bouquet is a wonderful way to express thanks throughout the year.
Eye-Catching Design:The vibrant colors and unique presentation of the bouquet are sure to attract attention in any retail display. The post-it note sleeve and Thank You Note Pick add a playful and personal touch that customers will love.
Thoughtful Gift:The "Thank You Note Theme Bouquet" is more than just a floral arrangement; it's a heartfelt gesture of appreciation. Customers will find it to be a thoughtful and meaningful gift that conveys their gratitude in a beautiful way.
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